Taken in Vienna; L-R: Felix, Ernst, Alice, and mother Theresia. Note that the brothers later would change their surnames; Felix to Harta, and Ernst to Reinhold. Photo © Larry Heller.

Elisabeth (Elly) as a little girl. Photo © Larry Heller.

Harta is sixteen years of age in this photo; Photo Credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

Harta would be approx 21 yrs of age. There are several unidentified Oil paintings hanging in his studio that likely correlate with his Work Catalog. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

Harta is on a study trip in Bruges, where he paints many scenes of rural life. He is accompanied on this trip with his good friend, the painter Hans Eder. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum.

Harta would be approx 28 yrs old in this photo. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

Elisabeth(Elly) comes from Hietzing where her father. Gustav owned a well-known furniture factory in Vienna. Harta and Elly marry on April 22, 1914. She was very interested in literature, poetry, and dreams. She also could paint, and had several exhibitions of her folk art. She also translated Sanskrit poetry into German. Photo © Larry Heller.

Painting of the house that Elisabeth Harta's parents moved into circa 1902. The Hermanns owned the garden plot that Gustav Klimt would rent from them in 1911. Photo credit: Georg Becker-Klimt Society

The home where my grandmother Elisabeth Hermann was raised. Photo courtesy of Georg Becker and Feliciztas Schereier, Klimt Society.

In 1911, Klimt had to give up his studio, and was looking to rent beyond Vienna. Harta, and his then friend, Elisabeth Hermann recommended the small garden cottage in Vienna's 13th district Hietzing, Feldmühlgasse no.11 owned by Elisabeth's parents, Josef and Helene Hermann who then rented it to Klimt. In 1916, Harta with his wife and daughter, Eva moved into the House on Feldmühlgasse 12 directly opposite Klimt's studio. Photo credit © Klimt Society.

Harta proudly holding his daughter, Eva Maria. This photo has to be very early Jan of 1915, since Eva was born on Dec, 31, 1914. Egon Schiele allegedly drew baby Eva, but the drawing is lost(EKB, Diss, Vol. 1, pg. 32). Photo © Larry Heller.

Photo © Larry Heller.

On Nov 6th,1916 Harta was drafted, and entered the military. He is stationed in a replacement division in southern Yugoslavia, but requests allocation to become a war painter. A recommendation from Gustav Klimt gets him reassigned. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum.

Harta served for two years in the military. He was appointed the rank of Captain, and deployed in various theaters of the war, spending a lot of time at the Russian front in 1917 and in the Italian theater of the war. (www.wikipedia.com). His paintings can be viewed in Section 1903-1920 of this site, OL86, & OL88-93. His numerous graphics can be seen in the graphics section of this site. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

Felix and Elly in Mirabelle Garden in Salzburg. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

F.A. Harta felt comfortable in Salzburg, and had a house built on Flurweg in Morzg in 1919. This is the house that Harta's son, Claude was born in evidenced by his comment written on the top right corner of the photo. The House is thought to have been purchased in 1928 by the theater director, Ernst Lothar and the actress, Adrienne Gessner(EKB, Diss, ff. pg. 41). Photo© Larry Heller.

Harta sitting on the right next to the Austrian Sculptor, Franz Zelezny(1866-1932). The man standing is likely the painter Georg Mayer-Marton. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

Harta standing in front of one of many exhibitions during this period. He is approx 41 yrs of age. Photo © Larry Heller.

Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

Gusti Wolf is adopted by Harta in the late 1920's. Gusti and Eva are like sisters. Gusti would go on to become one of Austria's leading actresses, and Harta would draw many pictures of her. Here they all are dressed in traditional Folk outfits.L-R: Eva Harta, F.A. Harta, & Gusti Wolf. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

From August, 1931 through 1932, the exhibition: "Das Neue Fresko" took place at the Salzburg Festival. Harta is standing in front of a Fresco he created titled" Akte in der Landschaft(Nudes in the Landscape). Many notable Austrian painters contributed to this exhibit at the Felsenreitschule. Note this is the small stage featured in the Sound of Music. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate..

Harta loved music. At the age of 5, he began to take violin lessons.A well-known teacher at the time, Professor Stock, used to slap his fingers with a bow in the strict lessons, which did not lessen his enthusiasm. Up to the age of 19, he received lessons from the prime violinist of the Vienna Burgtheater Orchestra. He apparently would play concerts occasionally in the Chamber room of the Mozarteum.(as told to me by Eva Harta). Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

Harta standing next to his oil painting of "Girls in the Mountains" in his studio in Vienna. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.

The pair are standing in front of Harta's oil painting of Gusti. This painting currently hangs in the foyer of the portrait gallery of the Vienna Burgtheater. Photo credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.