Liebespaar um 1920. Charcoal/paper. 40 x 30 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Exhibit: Prof. Felix Albrecht Harta 1884–1967, Galerie über dem Café Mozart, Salzburg 21.01.–20.02.1982 Lit: Kat Galerie über dem Cafe Mozart, Sbg, S. 11, Kat. Nr. 40, mit Abb. Provenance: 1982 Galerie Kutscha, Salzburg. Location: Currently unknown. Remarks: Drawing is identical to a 1920 Oil painting. Sketch unlisted by Baumgartner.
Künstler Freunde in der Salon um 1922. Ink & Watercolor/paper. 26.5 x 21 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Provenance: Artist, Hans Eder then descended to his son, Hans Eder, Jr; 2004 Descended to Private Collection, Munich Loc: Munich, Germany. Remarks: Left to right: Felix A. Harta, Hans Eder, Unidentified, and presumably Albert Paris Gütersloh. The scene likely took place in their Simulator wooden Houses in Morzg. Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
Frau mit Hut um 1920-21. Charcoal on beige paper. 39.052 x 29 cm(15 3/8 x 113/8 in). Signed left side toward middle: HARTA. Lit: Wien 2002, S.12, Kat. Nr. 26, mit Abb. Provenance:12.06.2002 Dorotheum,Salzburg. Location: Private owner unknown. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner and Harta.
Bei der Arbeit um 1920s. Charcoal/paper. 45 x 31 cm. Signed, bottom right: "HARTA". Provenance: 18.10. 2017 Dorotheum Auktion Linz, Austria. Lit: "Kunst und Antiquitäten. 18.10.2017, Kat. Nr. 194. Sold. Location: Private owner whereabouts unknown.
Porträt der ersten Frau des Künstlers per Musuem der Moderne. Pen, Indian Ink and watercolor on paper. 27.2 x 21.2 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Location: Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Inv # 13227.Photo credit: ©Bettina Salomon Musuem der Moderne. Remarks: Not catalogued by Baumgartner.
Mann auf Gartenliege um 1920. Charcoal/Colored Chalk. 26 x 20 cm. Signed, bottom right: HARTA. Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 256 WV Nr GrN(Suppl.), mit Abb. Provenance: Private owner Salzburg as of 1991. [insert auction record]. Remarks: Harta signature in script, so possible this was drawn earlier 1920. Location: Currently unknown.
Claude (Sohn des Künstlers) 1921. Charcoal/pencil; SMCA lists as chalk. Sheet size: 32.1 x 45.5 cm. Signed lower right: HARTA. Inscribed top right: CLAUDE / 29./ MAY 1921. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 113, WV Nr. Gr 96, mit Abb. Provenance: SMCA acquires 1983. Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv Nr. 1049-1983. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum/Larry Heller.
Go to linkBaby Studie 1921.Pencil on paper. 26 x 36 cm(17 3/4 x 115/8 in).Signed lower left: HARTA. Lit: Dorotheum 10.10.2007, S. 58, Kat. Nr. 191, mit Abb Provenance: Private owener, Salzburg; 10.10.2007,Dorotheum,Salzburg [Sold] private owner, lower Austria. Location: Private owner, Austria. Remarks: Harta's son, Claude(Klaudius in German). Unlisted by Baumgartner or Harta.
Klaudius Harta, um 1921.Pencil on paper. 8.5 x 8.8. Not signed or dated. Provenance: Gusti Wolf, Wien; 2007 Descended to private owner, Wien; Oct 2020 consigned to Das Kunstwerk Antiques Vienna, Austria. Location: Das Kunstwerk Antiques, Vienna. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
Klaudius Harta um 1921. Pencil/paper. 7 x 6.7 cm. Not signed or dated. Exhibitions: Felix Albrecht Harta, Galerie 16, Wien 14.09.-20.10.1981. Lit: Wien 1981. Provenance: 1981 Galerie 16, Wien; Gusti Wolf, Wien; 2007 Descended to private owner, Wien; Oct 2020 Consigned to Der Kunst Werk Antiques Vienna, Austria. Location: Das Kunstwerk Antiques, Vienna. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta. Exhibition photo verified.
Ink on paper. 12.2 x 11 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Provenance: Gusti Wolf, Vienna; 2007 inherited to private owner, Vienna. Location: Das Kunstwerk, Vienna.
Dame mit Hut. Charcoal on paper. 41.91 cm x 28.89(16 1/2 x 11 3/8 in). Signed and dated right side toward bottom: HARTA / 21. Lit: Dorotheum 20.11. 2008, S. 47, Kat. Nr 150, mit Abb. Provenance: 20,11. 2008 Dorotheum Auctions, Linz, [Unsold]. Location: Current whereabouts unknown.Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
Weblicher Rückenakt sitzend um 1921. 39.8 x 30.1 cm. Watercolor/ paper. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Verso Female nude lying. Ex: 150 Jahre Salzburger Kunstverein, Kunst und Öffentlichkeit 1844-1994, Salzburger Kunstverein, 14.12. 1994-19.01. 1995. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 114, WV Nr. G 98, mit Abb; Salzburg 1994, S. 269. Provenance: 1977 Salzburg Museum acquires. Location: SMCA Inv Nr. 5-77. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum/Larry Heller.
Go to linkRückseite-Liegender Akt. 1921. 39.5 x 30.2 cm. Unsigned. Colored pencil and pen. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 114, WV Nr G 99, mit Abb. Location: SMCA Inv Nr. 5-77. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum/Larry Heller.
Go to linkWeibl. Akt m. übergeschl. Beinen um 1921. Watercolor. 38.1 x 29 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 114, WV Nr. Gr 100, mit Abb. Provenance: Unknown. Location: Albertina Museum, Vienna, Inv Nr. 23942. Photo credit © The Albertina Museum, Vienna.
Go to linkFrauenakt-Halbrückenansicht um 1921. Watercolor. 43.9 x 31.7 cm. Signed bottom left: HARTA. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 114, WV Nr. Gr 101, mit Abb. Provenance: Unknown. Location: Albertina Museum, Vienna, Inv Nr. 23942. Photo credit: © The Albertina Musuem, Vienna.
Go to linkFrau liegend, Kopf auf Arm gestützt um 1920s - 1930s. EKB lists medium as pencil, but Albertina lists as charcoal. 38 x 57.6. Signed lower right: HARTA. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 143, WV Nr. Gr 146 mit Abb. Provenance: Albertina Museum, Vienna acquires (?). Location: Albertina Museum, Vienna Austria, Inv Nr. 23569. Photo credit: © The Albertina Musuem.
Go to linkTini Senders(Schauspielerin) per Wien Museum. Pencil drawing. 17.4 x 11.8 cm. Signed and dated lower left: HARTA; lower right: 1921. Inscribed in script : TINI SENDERS Exhibit: Der Hagenbund, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 18.09.-30.11.1975. Provenance: 1964: Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien acquires from the art trade Location: Wien Museum, Inv Nr. 132905/3. Photo credit: Wien Museum Vienna, Austria.
Karikatur der Schauspielerin und Sängerin Ernestine "Tini" Sender 1921. Pencil/paper. 17.2 x 10 cm. Signed lower right: HARTA. Inscribed in print top right: "TINI SENDERS". Exhibit: Der Hagenbund, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 18.09. - 30.11. 1975. Lit: Wien 1975, S. 20, Kat. Nr. 74. Provenance: 1964: Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien acquires from the art trade .Location: Wien Museum, Inv Nr. 132905/2. Photo credit: Wien Museum Vienna, Austria.
Go to linkPencil caricature Tini Senders um 1921. Signed bottom right: HARTA; Inscribed top left: TINI SENDERS. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 239, mit Abb. Provenance: 1991 Galerie Kutscha, Salzburg. Location: Unknown.
Zwei Frauen um 1921. Charcoal/paper. [Dimensions pending]. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Provenance: 1930s Paul Jellinek; Ida Elanor Hall (location?); Susanne Jellinek, Sydney. Location: Private collection, Sydney Australia. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
Frau kniet Hände hinter ihrem Kopf um 1921. Charcoal/paper. [dimensions pending]. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Provenance: 1930s Paul Jellinek; Ida Elanor Hall (location?); Susanne Jellinek, Sydney. Location: Private collection, Sydney Australia. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
Der Künstler Hans Eder mhefrau Ida und Sohn Hans,1922. Ink on paper. 14 x 9 cm. Signed bottom left: HARTA; dated mid top: 1921-1922. Provenance: Hans Eder, Brasov; 1955 Inherited by Hans Eder, Junior, Brasov; 2004 Descended to Private owner, Munich. Location: Private owner, Munich.
Bauern am Feld. Ink & Watercolor/paper. 28 x 39 cm Signed bottom right: HARTA / MORZG / 1922. Provenance: Hans Eder, Brasov; 1955 Descended to Hans Eder Junior, Brasov; 2004 Descended to Private owner, Munich. Location: Private owner, Munich. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
Watercolor/paper. 22 x 17 cm. Signed, bottom right: HARTA. Inscribed top right: " MEDI / ZIGARETTEN / STOPFEND". Provenance: Hans Eder, Brasov; 1995 descended to Hans Eder Jr, Brasov; 2004 Descended to Estate, Munich. Location: Private owner, Munich, Germany. Remarks: Ida, nicknamed "Medi" is the wife of the painter, Hans Eder, a close friend of Harta. Harta WV623/1922 is titled "Portraitstudie Medi" but is listed as an oil painting. Unlisted in Baumgartner and Harta.
Watercolor/paper Framed: 44.5 x 28 cm. Inscribed and signed lower right: SEINER LIEBEN / COUSINE HANNY / GEWIDMET / VON / HARTA /; Dated lower left verso: NOVEMBER / 1922 Provenance: Felix Albrecht Harta, Salzburg; Nov 1922 Donated to Hanny Strauß, Wien; 1947 Inherited by Anna Strauß Klingsberg, New Brunswick, USA; 2015 Inherited to private collection, Fairfax, USA. Location: Private owner, Virginia, USA. Remarks: Unlisted by Baumgartner or Harta.
Tilla Durieux, Vorlage für den Lithographie-Zyklus um 1922-23. Charcoal/paper. 54 x 45 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA; inscirbed top left: TILLA DURIEUX: KOMM TROST DER WELT, DU[Tilla Durieux you comfort the world]. Provenance: Buzenländer Sächsisches Museum, Kronstadt; 27.12.1981. Taken over Muzeul de Artâ Brasov, Kronstadt. Photo credit:
Tiere. Pencil, Ink, Watercolor on paper. 21 x 29.5 cm. Signed and dated top right: HARTA 22. Provenance: Hans Eder, Brasov; 1955 Descended to Hans Eder Junior, Brasov; 2004 Descended to Private Collector, Munich. Location: Private Collection, Munich. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
Suche Nachdem Eder Familie Hund, um 1922. Pencil, Ink, Watercolor on paper. 26.6 x21 cm; Left Nrs. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5. Provenance: Hans Eder, Brasov; 1955 Inherited by Hans Eder, Junior, Brasov; 2004 Descended to Private collection, Munich. Location: Private owner, Munich.
Amazonen mit Pferde. Charcoal. Sheet Size: 32 x 48 cm. Signed, dated and inscribed bottom right: EMMA SCHLANGENHAUSEN / IM KOLLEGIALER / FREUNDSCHAFT /HARTA / MORZG 1922. Provenance: SMCA acquires 1991. Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv Nr. 1080-91. Photo credit: Salzburg Museum © Larry Heller.
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